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ethnicgroups翻译,ethnic minorities翻译


ethnic种族的,部落的 某文化群体的复数 ethnics 例句1They#39ve been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups他们和不同民族的人们一起和睦地生活和工作2The ethnic populations。


examinees from minority ethnic groups would be given more marks at the College Entrance Examination 少数民族我在中国的时候是专业英语学生,大四的时候上口译课,总是把少数民族简单翻译为minority但其实这个词主要是“。

Britain has a homogenous culture because of the absence of regional ethnic groups这句话的意思是英国是个在族裔方面是同质性社会这道题的判断的话,具体还要看文章的语境我查到的资料是第二次世界大战之前。

范文Fiftysix ethnic groups, fiftysix flowers, fiftysix brothers and sisters are one family As the song says, China is a great country with fiftysix ethnic groups, and ethnic unity is an important。

动词第三人称单数 groups 复数 groups 四短语搭配 age group 年龄段 blood group 血型 discussion group 讨论小组 drama group 剧团 ethnic group 族群 gangster group 歹徒团伙 五词义辨析 group, bunch, cluster这。

一般来说是用Ethnic,因为Nationality可代表国籍,也可代表民族,容易误会朝鲜族是Chinese Korean。



although each has the same but overstepping languages of ethnic characteristics are very obvious As Chinese idioms quotwithquot the shiji, to not LiuHouLu, determined to slog quotOne of the English burn boats, or。

翻译中秋节,又称月夕秋节仲秋节八月节八月会追月节玩月节拜月节女儿节或团圆节The MidAutumn Festival is a traditional cultural festival popular among many ethnic groups in China and the。

ethnicgroups翻译,ethnic minorities翻译

不熟悉他们所探究的文化和种族群体的研究人员,必须格外小心以避免从他们自己的文化中所带来的任何偏见 Researchers who are unfamiliar with the cultural and ethnic groups they are studying括号内是修饰Researchers的定语。

Palace, the Emperor Taizong summoned the envoys of the five ethnic groupsDuring the test, Gar have shown a little bit nervousRoyal Horse Court, Tang screenwriters like messengers pace in the race thinking, Gar。

The similarities are all ethnic groups, all regions of the culture in several thousand years of the development process, interact, learn from each other, mutual absorption, the formation of you have me, I。

six in Asia and Australia on Saturday, Lee HongAlthough they are really easy but other ethnic groups the right to ring the shadow of death have a significant environmental state of the cause ring Two hund。