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ethnicgroup,ethnic group


ethnic group一般是指民族中国不是一个民族,而是由56个民族组成其中,汉族是最大的民族,回族藏族蒙古族等其他民族则称为少数民族minor ethnic groups或者ethnic minorities;“黄种人”用英语有以下三种表示方法,任选其一即可Mongoloid person of the yellow race the yellow race相关例句1黑色,棕色和黄种人的威胁,偷窃和相互歧视Black, brown and yellow people threatened, stole from and discriminated against each other2中国人是黄种人,他们有着黄。

ethnic 指的是一个群体或社群通过共同的文化语言宗教习俗或传统等方面进行的分类与race不同,ethnic关注的是群体之间的文化差异 例句She identifies herself as a member of the Korean ethnic group她把自己视为韩国族群的一员2 背景和起源的区别 race 描述人类根据;ethnic #39eθnik adj 民族的 ethnic是形容词,people则是名词,两者在语意上没什么区别,只是此行不通ethnic强调民族性,比racial更加细化,细化到了某一特指民族比如,汉族的,藏族的,ethnic是在这种层次上的ethnic composition 种族构成种族构成 ethnic group 民族种族群种族群体。

ethnicgroup,ethnic group

racial #39rei#643#601l adj 种族的人种的 racial character 人种性状 Is there racial discrimination in your country?你们国家是否存在种族歧视?ethnic #39eθnik adj 种族的人种的 ethnic composition 种族构成种族构成 ethnic group 民族种族群种族群体民族构成 前者更多的;ethnic group英 #712eθnik ɡrup 美 #712#603θn#618k ɡrupn同种同文化的民族 人种网络同种同文化之民族 种族群 族群例句The study is the largest analysis of hormone levels by ethnic group,and the first large study of native Hawaiians and Latinas。

一般来说是用Ethnic,因为Nationality可代表国籍,也可代表民族,容易误会朝鲜族是Chinese Korean。

ethnic group


More than 15 minority ethnic groups settled in Guizhou and most of the amazing scenic areas are located in these settled minority areas In addition to enjoying the scenery, visitors can discover the rich and varied folk customs and cultures of the different minority ethnic groups of。

华族,马来族,还有其他民族,不过新加坡一般按照族群ethnic group分类,很少用民族nationality按族群分的话有华人Chinese,马来人Malay,印度人Indian,白人Caucasian,欧亚混血Eurasian等。

China is a large country noted for its dense population and vast territory There are altogether 56 ethnic groups in China The defining elements of an ethnic group are language, homeland, and social values 53 ethnic groups use spoken languages of their own, and 23 ethnic groups。

族群英语Ethnic group或ethnicity是指人类历史以来区分我族及“他者”的分类方式之一族群含义在20世纪后有转变,从原来以少数民族或少数族裔的意思,到后来以文化特征区分,而最新的看法则认为民族是社会过程后的产生的结果因此,民族可能因历史及时空环境,基于历史文化语言地域宗教血缘。

Ordos, which means quotnumerous palacesquot in Mongolian, is a prefecturelevel city under the jurisdiction of Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionIt is located in the southwest of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and in the hinterland of the Ordos Plateau It is located between 37 35 24 ~;XinjiangUygurAutonomousRegion新疆维吾尔自治区GeneralsituationCultureTourismFoodthreemountainssurroundingtwobasin三山夹两盆GeneralsituationTheregionhasapopulationofabout21millions,amongwhom60percentareethnicminorities少数民族Thereare47ethnicgroupsinXinjiang,mainlytheUygur,Han,Kazak,Hui,Mongolian,Kirgiz。

1Beset by ethnic strife, the province remains ungovernable该省因受种族冲突困扰而失控2A member of a Rajput ethnic group predominant in Nepal廓尔喀人在尼泊尔占大多数的拉其普特人中的一支 3Romanies in Europe, like any other ethnic group, are no monolith欧洲的吉普赛人与其他;China is a diverse but united multiethnic nation It is composed by fiftysix ethnic groups The largest ethnic group in China by far is the Han, which is constitute about 92 percent of the population of the People#39s Republic of China and about 19 percent of the entire global。

ethnicgroup,ethnic group

中国的朝鲜族在英语中的准确表达方式是ldquoEthnic Korean in Chinardquo或者ldquoKorean Ethnic Group in Chinardquo朝鲜族是中国的少数民族之一,他们主要聚居在东北地区,特别是吉林省的延边朝鲜族自治州这个族群有着自己独特的语言文化和历史背景他们的祖先主要来自于朝鲜半岛,由于历史。