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1、the many nationalities that comprise Ethiopia组成埃塞俄比亚的众多民族 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 例句 Is the problem their confidence or their nationality?问题出在他们的信心还是他们的国籍呢 Does your nationality affect how you#39re viewed by fans?华尔街日报你的;1D第一句直接可以得到答案2B原文“The spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500#39sIn London,shops where chocolate drinks were served bacame important meeting places”其中“during the 1500#39s”对应“Centuries ago”,“often gathered in shops ”对应“;1在这里把埃塞俄比亚的泥土比作父母兄弟,说明祖国泥土的珍贵和人民之间关系的密切2泥土的珍贵,从而体现出国家的尊严是神圣不可侵犯的;女孩是 梅兰尼·蒂埃里 Mélanie Thierry,女,1981年7月17日出生于法国的圣杰曼昂雷,法国影视演员,出演过巴比伦AD Chrysalis Pardonnezmoi Chrysalis 等影片蒂姆·罗斯Tim Roth 饰演 Danny Boodmann TD Lemon Nineteen Hundred #391900#39普路特·泰勒·文斯;拼 音 sāi sè sài 部 首 土 笔 画 13 五 行 金 五 笔 PFJF sāi 1堵,填满空隙堵~漏洞~尺~规2堵住器物口的东西活~~子 sè 义同一,用于若干书面语词闭~阻~搪~~责顿开茅~ sài 边界上险要地方要~关~~外。


2、Ethiopia美 #716i#720θ#618#712#601#650p#618#601英 #716iθ#618#39#601#650p#618#601埃塞俄比亚的,埃塞俄比亚人的,埃塞俄比亚语的n埃塞俄比亚人,埃塞俄比亚语 例句 1Although , according to one ethiopian village log drummer;高考英语阅读训练附答案 The news report that night was about a famine饥荒in Ethiopia The pictures were of people who were so thin that they looked like beings from another planet The camera 摄像机focused 聚焦on one man so that he looked directly at me, sitting in my;目前GUILD可出具的祖母绿产地包括Colombia哥伦比亚Zambia赞比亚Brazil巴西Afghanistan阿富汗Pakistan巴基斯坦Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚India印度等可判定的小产地Colombia Muzo木佐,Colombia Chivor契沃尔,Colombia Gachala高加拉,AfghanistanPanjshir;但都或多或少作了美化 这位游娣特公主够恶够狠, 不加掩藏, 应该也会收获一些人气 正因为此该文明没有叫做阿克苏姆, 而是用了民族名备注 Ethiopia的发音在阿姆哈拉语中为quot伊提欧皮亚quot, 既不是埃塞俄比亚也不是衣索比亚 个人觉得埃塞俄比亚读音差得更多, 而且也没有古文明的感觉, 所以采用台译。

3、weighweightneighbor2发音为ae, 多为a+辅音,常见的有rat, fat,cat,mat,cap,map例句I have left my bat at home我把球拍忘在家里了My new lab opened last week我的新实验上星期就开始了3发音为e,作为结尾,常见的banana,era,ethiopia,Eurasia,extra。

4、4A famine on the scale of1984, when Band Aid and Live Aid raised about$ 150m in relief for Ethiopia, is still unlikely1984年,非洲埃塞俄比亚发生也曾过一次大饥荒,当时世界上许多著名的音乐人和乐队组建了“援救乐队”并举行“援救演唱会”为当地筹集了一亿五千万美元;元旦1月1日NEW YEAR#39S DAY 成人节日本,1月15日ADULTS DAY 情人节2月14日STVALENTINE#39S DAY VALENTINE#39S DAY元宵节阴历1月15日LANTERN FESTIVAL 狂欢节巴西,二月中下旬CARNIVAL 桃花节日本女孩节,3月3日PEACH FLOWER FESTIVAL DOLL#39S。

5、on it that thousands of Irish people starved when the crop failed during the “Potato Famine饥荒”of 18451846,此句中when the crop failed 说明了问题与D项一致,此题也可用排除法 4A Brazil is now the world’s largest grower of coffee 5A Coffee is native to Ethiopia;船员来自不同国家,语言不通2NCOUNT尤指未建立独立国家的民族You can refer to people who have the same racial origins as a nationality, especially when they do not have their own independent countrythe many nationalities that comprise Ethiopia组成埃塞俄比亚的众多民族。

6、āi sài é bǐ yà 英文实际的念法是 ,iθi#39#601upi#601。
