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and whether a sound normative normative ethic is possible turns on the proper answer to a certain metaethical questions翻译规范伦理学是实际的,所以在一个简单的但是琐碎的意义上讲,它是可行的,但规范伦理问题导致;ethics是ethic的复数形式,翻译为中文的意思是道德准则伦理标准道德体系行为准则伦理学道德学例如It#39stheissuesofstewardshipandethics这是工作和道德规范的问题;on the helpless ethic criticism in quotlove history, love maniacquot by Fen Menglong abstract chinese people have been looking forward to the traditionally heroic spirits in the quotlove history, love maniacquot, Feng;virtue #39v#601tju n 美德,优点 iconfucian k#601n#39fju#643i#601n a 儒家的孔子的 n 儒家 impose im#39p#601uz v 加上,课徵,强迫 ethic #39eθik;but it also brings a series of problems about ethic,moral and legal,the most basic problem is he#39s a man or a manmade man?what the world will be?遗传工程,也叫基因重组或基因嫁接就是采取人工合成的。


integrity是个名词,译为完整,正直,诚实,廉正 这个单词可以用作人的品质讲,比如 This is an officer with integrity 这是一个清廉的官员 还可以用作国家领土完整性讲,比如 The integrity of our country will never;Substitutes for a Land Ethic 土地伦理的替代品 When the Logic of history hungers for bread and we hand out a stone, we are at pains to explain how much the stone resembles bread I now describe some of;Drug,EthicalEthicDrug,Legend Drug美国用,简称RR表示医生须取用其药,这在处方左上角常可见到非处方药英语称 nonprescription drug,在国外又称之为可在柜台上买到的药物”over the counter,简称otc。

ethical 一般指客观的社会道德伦理形容人时表示这个人是否遵循社会职业宗教家庭道德伦理例子是moral的律师并不想为有罪的人辩护,但是ethical的律师必须尽力帮助自己的客户,不管他有罪与否以上解释来源;Narrators are both women for these two novels, but narrators all follow the traditional social code of ethic and Christianity#39s religious doctrine, so as to build and construct one#39s own authoritative position 虽然。

处方药系指经过医生处方才能从药房或药店获取并要在医生监控或指导下使用的药物国外常用的术语有Prescription Drug,EthicalEthicDrug,Legend Drug美国用,简称RR表示医生须取用其药,这在处方左上角常可见到非;这句话不懂我很惊讶你身边的人没有让你躲起来很明显你缺少教育,我同情你父母中国的耻辱 sorry,中间那句话真的不知道是什么意思中间可能翻译的不通顺,将就着看吧不好意思~~我英语还没那么好;abstract The professional ethic of accounting is a code of ethic to one accounting who is engaged in accounting should obey,it is a important compose of honest system of society and a hot issue of;在日常应用里基本没有什么区别,ethic 和 moral的区别非常小,大部分英语国家的人也不会区别两者用法只要是形容人,两个词一般没太大区别当然啦,如果是形容动作,一般只用ethical而不用moral如果一定要找出区别来,下面。

quotEthicquot指一般性的道德准则和价值观,通常适用于特定的文化职业学问等领域例句Integrity is an important ethic in the legal profession诚实是法律专业中重要的道德准则quotMoralquot指满足社会标准和行为规范所。